If you or someone you know is in crisis, go to the nearest emergency department or call 911.
Crisis Centre BC - www.crisiscentre.bc.ca
- Call from anywhere in BC: 1-800-SUICIDE: 1-800-784-2433
- Open 24/7 and available in 140 languages.
- Vancouver: 604-872-3311
- Online Chat Service for Youth: www.YouthInBC.com (Noon to 1am)
- Online Chat Service for Adults: www.CrisisCentreChat.ca (Noon to 1am)
Mental Health Support Line - 604-310-6789
Anxiety BC - www.anxietybc.com
- Excellent website with information about various anxiety disorders, tools, tips and resources.
- Excellent site with helpful information, tools and skills to manage and cope with various aspects of mental health and wellness.
Mood Disorders Association of BC - www.mdabc.net
MindShift – app designed to help youth and adults cope with anxiety.
Head Space – app designed to help with meditation and mindfulness.
BC Bereavement Help Line – connects people to grief support services.
– 1-877-779-2223 or 604-738-9950
Mental Health and Substance use information
Here to Help – website provides up to date mental health and substance use information.